Tuesday, November 21, 2000

A Call To Writers - Purple Prose: Chapter 1 - Part 3

It felt as if something had my legs and held me fast. Apparently escape wasn’t going to be an option. I turned slowly and looked at him. I certainly wasn’t expecting him. The last time I had seen M. he was laid out in a wooden box in Felicia’s drawing room. He was sporting pink cotton nose-plugs and the shiniest shoes I’ve ever seen. There was also putty and make-up covering the ragged hole the .38 had torn into his left temple.
“This isn’t happening,” I said, my voice wavering as if in resonance with the flickering neon. “It can’t be. You’re dead and buried. I killed you.” A wave of confusion threatened to overwhelm me. I reached out and held the door to steady myself. Of all the things to think about I couldn’t help but wonder; why would a dead man be needing glasses? Hasn’t he seen enough? Then, with a singular flash, the light was gone, choosing to leave us alone with the cold, indifferent shadows.
Welcome budding writers! This is part three of the exquisite corpse web experiment. For part two, written by Lucy Autrey Wilson, go to the Chapter 1 Part Two link. We're looking for someone to add part four. Could it be you?
Anyone can provide a conclusion at any time and can start a new story. If you don't like writing in the first person, a third person could kill off the first person narrator - it's all up to the author. This is open to the next random volunteer. Just let me know when you've posted a continuation of the story and I'll link to your Chapter 1 - Part Four.


  1. Very enjoyable continuation, I'll note in my blog.

    I emailed you, put could you let Chapter 2 know in the comments section that the next chapter is up?

  2. well you sure did have a whack at it(in reference to your comment on the original post). Wonderful whack too!

    The originality of the artistic nature of you and so many others is just thrilling!

  3. Ha-ha, you are much too kind, Tammie. No matter that, I hope you have included yourself in this artistic and original many whom you speak of. Your lovely jewelled leaf photo is parked next to my PC screen. It’s an inspiring daily landmark.

  4. Welcome back (from a relative new-comer!). Really enjoyed viewing the varied work on your site. Hope you get those pens unclogged!

  5. fun to imagine the jeweled leaf in your daily life and in a far off land called oslo...
